Taj Mahal History

        Taj Mahal is one of the most beautiful and costly tombs in the world. The Mughal Emperor Shahjahan ordered it built in memory of his favorite wife Mumtaz Mahal, who died in 1629A.D.

         Islamic architecture, in its purest form, is epitomized by the Mughal Emperor Shahjahan's Taj Mahal. Work started on this movement in 1634 continued for almost 22 years. Situated in the city of Agra in India, on the banks of the river Yamuna, the Taj is enclosed in a garden amongst fountains and ornamental trees.The walled complex includes two mosques and an imposing gateway. The tomb is encased in white marble which is decorated with flawless sculptures and inlaid design of flowers and calligraphy cut from precious gems. Below the dome in a dimly lit chamber lie the mortal remains of Shahjahan and beloved wife,queen Mumtaz Mahal, reminding the world of their undying love. It rests on a platform of red sandstone . At each corner of the platform stands a slender minaret (prayer tower). Each tower is 133 feet high . The building itself is 186 feet square. A dome covers the center of the building. It is 70 feet in diameter and 120 feet high.Passages from the Muslim holy book, Quern, decorate the outside. Built in charming environs, the Taj Mahal is one of the most beautiful architectural work in the world. Without doubt, The Taj Mahal ranks as amongst the most perfect buildings in the world, flawlessly proportionate, built entirely out of marble. Intended to be a commemoration of the memory of Shahjahan's beloved wife , in reality it is his gift to entire human race.
Shahjahan Mumtaz Mahal

     Shahjahan was the 5th ruler of the Mughal Empire in India. He became the ruler in 1627. During his reign, the Mughals reached their golden age, with vaults crammed with treasures and architecture in magnificent style.
     After the death of Jahangir, his son Shahjahan ascended to the Mughal throne. He went on expanding the kingdom to the south.In alliance with the Adilshahi kingdom, he defeated the Nizamshashi and annexed a large part of its territory to the Mughal empire. With a view to secure the north-west frontier of his empire, he tried to conquer the regions of Kandhahar, Balkh and Badakshan in central Asia. He, however, did not succeed. Shahjahan is best remembered for the perfectly proportioned Taj Mahal. He also built a palace of unbelievable splendor in Delhi. These and other buildings stand as examples of the Mughal glory. Shahjahan's reign was a troubled when his sons took his throne by force. Shahjahan was taken ill in 1657. This triggered a war on succession among his sons. In this, Aurangzeb emerged victorious. He imprisoned his ailing father Shahjahan and proclaimed himself the Emperor. Shahjahan died in 1666,while still under house arrest in Agra fort. The reign of Shahjahan is regarded as the golden period of the Mughal architecture. 


           Mumtaz Mahal (1593- 1631)

Born with the name Arjumand Banu, Mumtaz Mahal was the woman in whose memory the Taj Mahal was built. As the 14 year old daughter of Asaf Khan she married Mughal Prince Khurran, also known as Shahjahan. In 1612 She became Mumtaz Mahal when they quickly married. She remained a very faithful, loyal companion to her husband, and bore him fourteen children. She received the highest honor of the land - the royal seal - Mehr Uzaz from her emperor husband. It is said that she gave allowances to widows and orphans. The stories of her virtue spread all over the empire.

During the year 1630, the emperor and his pregnant empress journeyed to what is now known as Maharashtra to suppress the Lodi empire. Mumtaz never saw home again, she died on the eighth of June, in 1631, in the city of Burhanpur, only one day after giving birth to another daughter.

It took her husband 22 years and most of his royal treasury, but the queen empress did get her wish. In her name stands the most beautiful building in the universe, that monument of love, purity and unparalleled beauty called the Taj Mahal.

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